Manly Popcorn
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: Big Bowl
  • 2-3 Tbsp coconut oil (the kind that has the coconut taste)
  • ⅓ cup of high quality popcorn kernels (Or more depending on the size of your pan. You just want a single layer of popcorn on the bottom, not a big pile)
  • 1 3-quart covered saucepan
  • 1 Tbsp or more (to taste) of butter (we use WAY more)
  • Salt to taste
  1. Plop some coconut oil into a stovetop pan of choice (stainless is ideal). I use a large one for obvious reasons. You want enough coconut oil so that it melts and cover the entire bottom of the pan at about an ⅛ of an inch thickness. Use a knife and spread the solid oil all over the sides to prevent kernels from sticking and burning to the pan.
  2. Keeping the cover off, let it melt down completely.
  3. Once melted, add enough popcorn kernels to cover the entire bottom of the pan, so that the kernels are just covered in the oil. Stir them in the oil so the kernels are completely coated.
  4. Place the cover and wait for the kernels to start popping, which should take
  5. about 2 or 3 minutes. Once they start popping furiously, give the pan a good
  6. shake or two to be sure all the kernels are saturated. Once the popping slows
  7. down to a few seconds between each pop, shut off the heat and let it sit on the stove for a minute.
  8. Remove cover, pour into the largest bowl you own, coat with melted butter and sprinkle all over with sea salt.
Recipe by Living Full on Life at